2018 Tournament Week 1 Reminder

Time you pull out your Rocky soundtrack and blast Eye of the Tiger as loud as you can, because the YPLS tournament is here! The top 4 teams (Teal, Red, Yellow, and Rust respectively) have a bye game and will play at 7:00, while the remainder of the teams duke it out at 6. Maroon and Green will battle it out for the coveted Toilet Bowl next week. Just a reminder that weekly standings for softball and sponsor participation can be found here.

This week’s sponsor will be Revolution Lounge. Stop by after the games to lick your wounds, or plan for the 2nd week of the tournament, depending on how your games went!

All games this year are played at Westside Athletic fields, 571 N McLean Blvd. Games start at 6pm and 7pm sharp, so please be there before game time to get warmed up. Thank you for continuing to make this league a success, and as always, if you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to email and ask. Schedule for the upcoming weeks can be found here.
-The League