YPLS Players & Super Fans,
We still have three teams undefeated but a new first place team based on run differential. Still plenty of season left ahead of us so anything could happen. Our fourth week sponsor will be Oasis Lounge.
Keep up the great attendance both at the games and at the bars. This league isn’t possible without our sponsors and its only through attendance at the bars that we can keep those sponsors. Also, we will be giving away prizes to the team in first place in the sponsor totals at different times throughout the season and a grand prize for the team who wins the sponsor participation at the end of the season.
All games are played at Linwood Park 1901 S. Kansas, 135 and Harry. Games start at 6pm and 7pm sharp, so please be there before game time to get warmed up. Thank you for continuing to make this league a success, and as always, if you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to email and ask.
-The League