Author: Justin Sterritt

YPLS Week Nine!

What’s good my YPeeps,

We are officially in the dog days of summer.  Marked by the appearance of Sirius in the sky – and I’m not talking about the internet radio – this next stretch of summer days are always the hottest, most uncomfortable days of the Northern Hemisphere.  This is the time that “the Sea boiled, the Wine turned sour, Dogs grew mad, Quinto raged with anger and all other creatures became languid.  Physicians in the 18th century British empire advised men to “abstain all this time from women” because the heat of the sun is so violent that they will be more sick than at any other time of the year.  Some ancients would sacrifice the dogs to Zeus when they saw Sirius rise in the night sky.  So, moral of the story is keep it in the pants and wave goodbye to Fido.  

How much fun did y’all have at Week 8?  It’s nice to chill at the fields and watch the women put on a fantastic display of strength and skill!  The fellas… they gotta hit the weight room before next year.  Congrats to Angelisa and Erick for winning the home run derbies!  And thank you to everyone else for participating.  Speaking of HOT how about the Purple Photosyntheses manufacturing runs and securing their first win of the season!!  Both the Red Radiators and the Skintone Swass went 1-1 in their double header matcups.  The Forest Fahrenheit, Greenhouse Gases, Aqua Combustion, Navy El Nino, and Hot Pink Heatwave all powered their way to a victory this last week.  Big thanks to House of Schwan, Una Vida Tequila and Cheezepanzee for making sure we celebrated in style.

This week we will be heading to Sidelines Sports Bar.  This is the newest and dopest sports bar in Wichita with a huge renovated space just for YPLS.  They are stoked to welcome us.  We should be stoked to count them as one of our sponsors.  Lots of TVs, games, food and of course booze available to celebrate your win or drown your loss this next week.  Remember to stick around until we do the prize giveaway cause several of you have missed out on the opportunity to leave the league with more gifts than when you started.  Enough with the smoke, let’s bring the heat!